
recent projects

Social Networking App

Built with React Native, Redux, and Redux Thunk

Backend powered by Firebase

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Currency Converter App

Simple currency converter app that fetches exchange rates in real time

Built with React Native, Redux, and Redux Saga

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Luko Insurance App

Built with Typescript, React Native, Reanimated, React Query, and React Testing Library

News App

English news clipping and reading app with keyword search

Built with React Native, Redux, Redux Saga, and Typescript

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Bus Ticket Sales App

Android bus ticket sales app linked to payment terminal

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Linkey Seller-side App

MVVM Pattern with Koin, Room, RxJava, and Retrofit

Linkey Customer-side App

MVVM Pattern with Koin, Room, RxJava, and Retrofit

DANO Android App

MVVM Pattern with Koin, Retrofit, RxJava, and ExoPlayer for webview handling and video tasks


Includes a built-in Stripe payment system

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ChezCandy Tech Blog

My full-stack tech blog

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Node.js CLI Program

A CLI program made in Node.js for creating templates

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About Me

Get to Know Me

I'm a proactive developer who thrives on solving complex problems and finds great satisfaction in delivering successful solutions.

React Native

I excel at developing production-ready apps using React and Redux, creating various React Native UI components and modules.


I specialize in Android app development, following Dependency Injection (DI) and Clean Architecture principles while adeptly handling asynchronous programming.


My current fascination lies in Node.js. I'm actively involved in designing backend APIs and crafting various business logics with Node.js.


I have a strong penchant for building diverse applications using Django, always striving for speed and precision.

Connect with Me

I'm always open to discussions about business and technology.


Info Details


+82 10-2351-7817




Paris, France





